François Béguin
The main topics investigated in his research group are lithium batteries, supercapacitors, electrochemical hydrogen storage, reversible electrosorption of pollutants. He owns several patents related with the synthesis of nano-structured carbon materials (nanotubes, carbons from biomass, …) and their use for electrochemical systems. He published over 320 publications in high rank international journals and his works are cited in over 26200 papers. His Hirsch index is H = 68. He is also involved in several books dealing with carbon materials and energy storage. Recently, he edited the book ““. He is a member of the International Advisory Board of the Carbon Conferences and he launched the international conferences on Carbon for Energy Storage and Environment Protection (CESEP). He is member of the editorial board of the journal Carbon. In the French Agency for Research (ANR), he was Director of national programmes on Energy Storage and Hydrogen and Fuel Cells.
Stages of Scientific Development
- 2011
Faculty of Chemical Technology
Poznań University of technology
- 1988
Professor (exceptional)
Orléans University
- 1980
Doctorate (Materials science)
Faculty of Sciences
Orléans University
- 1973 – 1988
Assistant Professor
Technology Institute (IUT)
Orléans University
- 1968 – 1973
Technology Institute (IUT)
Orléans University
- 1968
Faculty of Sciences
Orléans University
- 1967
Faculty of Sciences
Orléans University
Scientific Interests
- Activated carbons
- Electrochemical systems for electricity storage and conversion
- Electrochemical capacitors
- Lithium-ion cells
- Hybrid cells
- New materials for energy storage and environmental protection
- Carbon nanotubes
- Materials obtained by the replica method
Biomass materials
Structural/nanotextural modifications and functionalisation of carbon materials
- Intercalation and insertion processes
- Electrochemical storage of hydrogen
- Reversible electrosorption of contaminants
Classes Conducted
- Lectures (1988 -2010 Orléans University):
- Inorganic chemistry
- Materials Chemistry
- Instrumental methods
- Electrochemistry
- Lectures (1998 - 2011):
- The novel forms of carbons: fullerites, carbon nanotubes, graphene – Szkoła Doktorska UAM
- Instrumental methods to characterize materials – Socrates/Erasmus Politechnika Poznańska
- Promotions:
- 21 Post-docs, promotor 35 PhDs.
- Functions:
- 2006 - 2012 Director of the programs "Stock-E - Energy storage" (2006-2011); "H-PAC - Hydrogen&Fuel Cells" (2008-2011); "PROGELEC - Production and management of electricity" (2011-2012) at the National Research Agency (ANR), France
- 1999 - 2001 Dyrektor - Centrum Badań nad Materią Podzieloną, Uniwersytet CNRS, Orlean
- 1991 – 1999 Wicedyrektor - Research Centre on Divided Matter, CNRS-University, Orléans
- Awards, editing, membership, participation:
- 2018 European Carbon Association Award,
- 2015 - current Editor of the journal Energy Storage Materials, Elsevier (IF = 16.28),
- 2000 - 2006 Chairman of the French Carbon Group - GFEC,
- 1995 - 2010 Chairman of the Advisory Board of the International Conferences on Intercalation Compounds - ISIC,
- 2005 - current Chairman of the International Advisory Board of the Conference "Carbon for Energy Storage/conversion and Environment Protection". - CESEP,
- 2012 - currently Member of the Electrochemical Society,
- 2008 - current Member of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE),
- 2000 - current Member of the International Advisory Board of the World Conference on Carbon,
- 2009 - currently Member of the International Advisory Board of the International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitors - ISEE'Cap,
- 2011 - current Member of the International Advisory Board of the International Conference on Advanced Capacitors - ICAC,
- 2002 - 2012 Member of the Board of the Energy Program at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France),
- 2006 - currently Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Carbon.
- Coordinator of scientific projects:
- National Science Center - NCN: BEETHOVEN 2016/23/G/ST4/04186 (2018-2022); MAESTRO 2016/22/A/ST4/00092 (2017-2022); OPUS 2014/15/B/ST4/04957 (2015-2019),
- Foundation for Polish Science - FNP: TEAM TECH/2016-3/17 (HYCAP, 2017-2021); WELCOME/2010-4/1 ( ECOLCAP, 2011-2015),
- National Agency for Research - ANR, France: HIPASCAP (2009-2012); ABHYS (2007-2010); SODELOS (2007-2010),
- PAI France/Korea - STAR (2005-2007); PAI Picasso France/Spain - Picasso (2007-2008); PAI France/Poland - Polonium (2007-2008),
- European TMR project " NANOCOMP " (2000-2004),
- INTAS project (2001-2003),
- NATO Project Science for Peace SfP 973849 - (2000-2004),
- Energy programs CNRS: METACARBO (2010-2011); NANOCAP (2007-2010); Hydrocar (2004-2006); GAT Hydrogen Technologies (2002-2005),
- Sup'Caplipe project - Region Centre, France (2011-2013).
- Industrial project manager:
- Messier Bugatti (1999-2002); EDF-SEPTEN (1998-2002); METALOR (2000-2002); SAFT-ALCATEL (2001-2004) ; CEA (2001-2004) ; CEA-LITEN (2009-2012); DACARB (2016)
- SGL Group (2004-2008); SGL Group, Batscap (2007-2010); Solvay (2011-2013); Alstom (2013-2016); Calgon Carbon Corporation, USA (2016).
- Organization of selected scientific conferences:
- Chairman Winter Seminar “Latest developments in Electrochemical Capacitors, COST Action MP1004”, Poznan (2015),
- Chairman ISIC15 «15th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds», Beijing, China (2009),
- Chairman CESEP'05 «Carbons for Energy Storage and Environment Protection», Orléans, (2005); Chairman CESEP'11, Vichy (2011); Co-Chair of CESEP'15, Poznan (2015),
- Co-chair French-Chinese workshop «Overview on Carbon Materials» Beijing, China (2002); Chairman French-Chinese workshop, Orléans (2005),
- Co-chair of NanoteC'02 "Nanotechnology in Carbon and Related Materials" Brighton, UK (2002); Chairman of NanoteC'04, Batz sur Mer, France (2004).
Organization Of Selected Scientific Conferences:
Scientific Cooperation
- UAM - Poznań,
- CNRS - University Nantes (France),
- CNRS - University Orléans (France),
- INCAR Oviedo (Spain),
- Micromeritics (USA),
- Skeleton Technologies (Germany, Estonia),
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany),
- Technical University Dresden (Germany),
- Université François Rabelais (France),
- Gdansk University of Technology,
- Wrocław University of Technology,
- Cobex Poland Racibórz.
Thesis supervisor
- 2015 - now
- Editor of Carbon journal (IF = 6.198)
- 2015
- Evaluator of H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 projects
- 2014 - 2015
- Chair of the European Carbon Association
- Member of Advisory Board of the Conferences: ISIC13, ISIC14, ISIC15, CARBON’2008, CARBON’2009, CESEP 2007, CESEP 2009, ICAC 2010
- 2013 – now
- President of the Polish Carbon Society & European Carbon Association from 2013
- 2012 – 2016
- Member of the Electrochemical Society
- 2012 – 2015
- Coordinator of FP7 “Nanowires for Energy Storage” NEST (2012-2015)
- 2012 - 2016
- Coordinator of the Polish-Swiss project INGEC (2012-2016)
- 2012 – 2015
- Member of the National Centre Science Council (NCN)- Poland
- 2012
- Co-chairman of the World Carbon’12 conference, Krakow, 17-22 June (2012)
- 2011 – 2015
- Coordinator of Marie-Curie Action FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IAPP project – ”Energy Caps”(2011-2015)
- 2011
- Chairman of 2nd International Symposium on Enhanced Electrochemical Capacitors (ISEECap’11), Poznań, 12-16 June (2011)
- 2010
- Organizer of session “Advances in EC Capacitor Materials and Cell Design” during Advanced Automotive Battery &EC Capacitor Conference in Orlando, Florida, USA, 18-19 May (2010)
- 2009
- Organizer of session “Advances in EC Capacitor Materials and Cell Design” during Advanced Automotive Battery &EC Capacitor Conference in Long Beach, USA, 8-12 June (2009)
- 2009 - 2010
- Editor-in-chief The Open Electrochemistry Journal (2009-2010)
- 2009 - 2010
- Co-organizer of 3 energy storage (supercapacitor) sessions during Advances in ECCAP Capacitor Materials and Cell Design Symposium (Orlando, Long Beach – USA) (2009 -2010)
- 2009 – 2014
- Chair and organizer 7 energy storage sessions of Division 3 “Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage” of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) from 2009 to 2014 (Beijing, Nice, Niigata, Perth, Prague, Santiago de Queretaro, Lausanne – worldwide)
- 2009 – now
- Evaluator for Foundation for Polish Science
- 2008 – now
- Referee of the projects from Department of Energy (DOE) USA
- Member of Advisory Board of the Conferences: ISIC13, ISIC14, ISIC15, CARBON’2008, CARBON’2009, CESEP 2007, CESEP 2009, ICAC 2010
- 2007 – 2009
- Expert in ANR (Energy Storage) – Agence National de Recherche in France (2007-2009)
- 2006 – 2014
- Participant in European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research, COST action 542 & MP1004 (2006-2014)
- 2005
- Organizer of Carbon Science session during International Conference Carbon’05, Korea (2005)
- 2004 – 2005
- Coordinator of international cooperation with INCAR- Oviedo, Spain, 2004-2005
- 2003
- Chairman of International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds (ISIC12) 2003, Poznan
- 1999 – 2005
- Coordinator of NATO Science for Peace Programme SfP 973849 CARBON 1999-2005
- 1997 – 2015
- Coordinator of programme POLONIUM (Orleans-University; Mulhouse University; Nantes University – France), 1997-2002, 2005-2015
- 2006 – 2014
- Participant in European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research, COST action 542 & MP1004 (2006-2014)
Books chapters and Edition
Books chapters
- E. Frackowiak, P. Ratajczak, and F. Béguin, “Electrochemical Capacitors Based on Carbon Electrodes in Aqueous Electrolytes,” in Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering, vol. 16, 2016, pp. 285–312.
- E. Frackowiak, G. Lota, and K. Fic, “Carbon nanotubes for energy storage application,” in Nanotechnology in Advanced Electrochemical Power Sources, 2014, pp. 249–280.
- E. Frackowiak, “Electrode Materials with Pseudocapacitive Properties,” in Supercapacitors: Materials, Systems, and Applications, 2013, pp. 207–237.
- F. Beguin, E. Raymundo-Pinero, and E. Frackowiak, “Electrical double layer capacitors and pseudocapacitors,” in Carbon Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems, F. Beguin and E. Frackowiak, Eds. CRC Press, 2010, pp. 329–375.
- E. Frackowiak and F. Béguin, “Carbon-Based Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage,” in Nanotechnology for the Energy Challenge, 2010, pp. 177–204.
- F. Beguin, E. Raymundo-Pinero, and E. Frackowiak, “Electrical double layer capacitors and pseudocapacitors,” in Carbon Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems, F. Beguin and E. Frackowiak, Eds. CRC Press, 2009.
- E. Frackowiak, “Carbon nanotubes for storage of energy: supercapacitors,” in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Dekker: Taylor & Francis, 2008, pp. 707–721.
- F. Beguin and E. Frackowiak, “Nanotextured carbons for high performance supercapacitors and electrochemical hydrogen storage,” in Carbon Materials: Theory and Practice, A. P. Terzyk, P. A. Gauden, and P. Kowalczyk, Eds. Kerala, India: Research Signpost, 2008, pp. 283–304.
- F. Beguin and E. Frackowiak, “Electrochemical Energy Storage,” in Adsorption by Carbons, Bottani E.J., Ed. Tascon J.M.D: Elsevier, 2008, pp. 593–625.
- E. Frackowiak, “Nanotubes based composites for energy storage in supercapacitors,” in Trans Tech Publications, Disclosing Materials at the Nanoscale – Advances in Science and Technology, vol. 51, Switzerland, 2006, pp. 145–155.
- F. Beguin et al., “Mechanism of reversible and irreversible insertion in nanostructured carbons used in lithium-ion batteries,” in New Carbon Based Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems, NATO Science Se-ries, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry – vol. 229, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2006, pp. 231–243.
- E. Frackowiak et al., “Novel carbonaceous materials for application in the electrochemical supercapacitors,” in New Carbon Based Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems: Batteries, Supercapacitors and Fuel Cells, vol. 229, 2006, pp. 5–20.
- F. Beguin and E. Frackowiak, “Nanotextured carbons for electrochemical energy storage,” in Handbook of nanomaterials, Y. Gogotsi, Ed. CRC Press, 2006, pp. 713–737.
- V. Khomenko et al., “Development of supercapacitors based on conducting polymers,” in New Carbon Based Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems: Batteries, Supercapacitors and Fuel Cells, vol. 229, 2006, pp. 41–50.
- E. Frackowiak and F. Beguin, “Application of nanoporous carbons and nanotube composites for supercapacitors,” in Recent Advances in Supercapacitors, V. Gupta, Ed. Kerala, India: Transworld Research Network, 2006, pp. 79–114.
- F. Beguin et al., “Carbon nanotubes as backbones for composite electrodes of supercapacitors,” in Electronic Properties of Synthetic Nanostructures, vol. 723, 2004, pp. 460–464.
- E. Frackowiak et al., “Application of metal coated carbon nanotubes to direct methanol fuel cells and for the formation of nanowires,” in Electronic Properties of Synthetic Nanostructures, vol. 723, 2004, pp. 532–535.
- E. Frackowiak, K. Jurewicz, S. Delpeux, F. Beguin, L. M. LizMarzan, and M. Giersig, “Electrochemical application of carbon nanotubes,” Low-Dimensional Syst. Theory, Prep. Some Appl., vol. 91, pp. 305–318, 2003.
- E. Frackowiak et al., “Storage of energy in supercapacitors from nanotubes,” Electron. Prop. Nov. Mater. Nanostructures, vol. 544, pp. 533–536, 2000.
- E. Frackowiak et al., “Capacitance properties of carbon nanotubes,” in Electronic Properties of Novel Materials – Science and Technology of Molecular Nanostructures, vol. 486, 1999, pp. 429–432.
- F. Beguin et al., “Alkali-metal intercalation in carbon nanotubes,” in Electronic Properties of Novel Materials – Science and Technology of Molecular Nanostructures, vol. 486, 1999, pp. 273–277.
- S. Gautier, E. Frackowiak, S. Bonnamy, F. Beguin, K. M. Kadish, and R. S. Ruoff, “Electrochemical insertion of lithium in catalytic multiwall carbon nanotubes,” in Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related Materials, Vol 6, vol. 98, 1998, pp. 1291–1301.
- E. Frackowiak et al., “Carbon fluoride cathode for lithium cells,” in New Promising Electrochemical Systems For Rechargeable Batteries, vol. 6, 1996, pp. 85–100.
- E. FRACKOWIAK, K. JUREWICZ, F. Lapicque, A. Storck, and A. A. Wragg, “IMPROVEMENT OF SECONDARY ZINC ELECTRODES,” Electrochem. Eng. Energy, pp. 41–46, 1994.
- E. FRACKOWIAK, T. KEILY, and B. W. BAXTER, “MODIFICATION OF SECONDARY ZINC ELECTRODE,” in Power Sources 13, 1991, pp. 225–235.
- F. Béguin and E. Frackowiak, Supercapacitors: Materials, Systems, and Applications. 2013.
- F. Béguin and E. Frąckowiak, Carbons for Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Systems. 2009.
Autor 309 artykułów z listy JCR, 20 rozdziałów w książkach, 20 patentów międzynarodowych, współedytor 2 książek, H indeks = 72, cytowania (Scopus®) > 27 400. Znajduje się w grupie 2% top naukowców w rankingu Stanford University, Elsevier, SciTech Strategies.
F. Béguin, V. Pavlenko, P. Przygocki, M. Pawlyta, P. Ratajczak, Melting point depression of ionic liquids by their confinement in carbons of controlled mesoporosity, Carbon 169 (2020) 501-511.
E. P. Yambou, B. Gorska, V. Pavlenko, F. Béguin, Fitting the porous texture of carbon electrodes to a binary ionic liquid electrolyte for the realization of low temperature EDLCs, Electrochimica Acta (2020) 136416.
P. Przygocki, P. Ratajczak, F. Béguin, Quantification of the charge consuming phenomena under high‐voltage hold of carbon/carbon supercapacitors by coupling operando and post‐mortem analyses, Angewandte Chemie 58 (2019) 17969-17977.
P. Ratajczak, M. E. Suss, F. Kaasik, F. Béguin, Carbon electrodes for capacitive technologies, Energy Storage Materials 16 (2019) 126-145.
P. Przygocki, Q. Abbas, B. Górska, F. Béguin, High-energy hybrid electrochemical capacitor operating down to −40 °C with aqueous redox electrolyte based on choline salts, Journal of Power Sources 427 (2019) 283-292.
A. Chojnacka, X. Pan, P. Jeżowski, F. Béguin, High performance hybrid sodium-ion capacitor with tin phosphide used as battery-type negative electrode, Energy Storage Materials 22 (2019) 200-206.
Q. Abbas, F. Béguin, Sustainable carbon/carbon supercapacitors operating down to -40oC in aqueous electrolyte made with cholinium salt, ChemSusChem 11 (2018) 975–984.
P. Jezowski, O. Crosnier, E. Deunf, P. Poizot, F. Béguin, T. Brousse, Safe and recyclable lithium-ion capacitors using a sacrificial organic lithium salt, Nature Materials 17 (2018) 167–173.
Q. Abbas, P. Babuchowska, E. Frąckowiak, F. Béguin, Sustainable AC/AC hybrid electrochemical capacitors in aqueous electrolyte approaching the performance of organic systems, J. Power Sources, 326 (2016) 652–659.
A. Laheäär, P. Przygocki, Q. Abbas, F. Béguin, Appropriate methods for evaluating the efficiency and capacitive behavior of different types of supercapacitors, Electrochemistry Communications 60 (2015) 21-25.
P. Ratajczak, K. Jurewicz, P. Skowron, Q. Abbas, F. Béguin, Effect of accelerated ageing on the performance of high voltage carbon/carbon electrochemical capacitors in salt aqueous electrolyte, Electrochimica Acta, 130 (2014) 344–350.
F. Béguin, V. Presser, A. Balducci, E. Frackowiak, Carbons and electrolytes for advanced supercapacitors, Advanced Materials 26 (2014) 2219-2251.
M. Deschamps, E. Gilbert, P. Azais, E. Raymundo-Pinero, M.R. Ammar, P. Simon, D. Massiot, F. Béguin, Exploring electrolyte organization in supercapacitor electrodes with solid-state NMR, Nature Materials 12 (2013) 351–358.
Q. Gao, L. Demarconnay, E. Raymundo-Piñero, F. Béguin, Exploring the large voltage range of carbon/carbon supercapacitors in aqueous lithium sulfate electrolyte, Energy and Environmental Science, 5 (2012) 9611–9617.